I have mostly lectured in Swedish but I will certainly do my best if you prefer an English one! I like to share my experiences and the knowledge I possess in training, elite sports, nutrition, psychology and eating disorders. In consultation with you, I put together an exciting and educational chat.
- training - a workshop about how to plan your training
- elite athletism - priorities, patience, courage, goalsetting, perfectionism and happiness
- nutritional strategies - for training, prior to/during competition or in order to perform optimally at work/ in everyday life
- psychology - lower your expectations on- and dare to believe in yourself
- eating disorders - eating disorders and elite sports
For information in
Swedish, click
Want to try rowing?
You and/or your company/family/friends get a chance to try coastal rowing with me. A session will be customized according to your wishes!
Contact me and we'll figure out a good setup.